Jessica Dunne
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Of course. However I feel the studies I have done into similar cases and thorough analysis of his autopsy report to be more accurate than the speculation that has surrounded this case from the beginning due to his family immediately closing the doors on an investigation in order to hold onto their own places in the Hollywood machine and leaving him and his name and reputation to be thoroughly trashed worldwide.

1) I don’t believe I said he didn’t use *any* drugs and was suddenly found dead of a speedball.

2) Speedballs are also almost never ingested in liquid form from a cup.

Nevertheless. “Almost never” not equal “Never”. Users will prefer to shoot or snort due to the instantaneous high.

Yet this was not the case here as very clearly shown via his autopsy: No puncture wounds from shooting up. Nothing found in his lungs or nostrils from smoking or snorting. The only thing found was the dark liquid in his stomach — -Already thoroughly described in my article.

3) “What likely happened is he had been regularly using cocaine (smoking, snorting, injecting whatever) that day and then the drink he got from Frusciante had morphine (and possibly other downers) in it which caused the speedball reaction and eventual overdose.”

Speaking of speculation: See part 2 above. Thank you for admitting Frusciante gave him the drink.

“Other downers” such as? Nothing else was noted in the autopsy report.

4) There is no way you could put enough cocaine in a single cup to show up that much in his toxicology.

Oh? And where are the studies backing this statement. There are none. It’s yet more speculation as to why you don’t want this to be true, yet there is no backing as to why this couldn’t be dissolved. Which of course it can be physically done. I don’t see why it couldn’t be. It isn’t “normally done” because people don’t want to waste perfectly good cocaine. Unless they are young and dumb with plenty of money and drugs to waste on something stupid like this.

5) his gf at the time said she knew something was going on days before he died and that on the day he died he was “high in a way that made me uncomfortable.”

She said nothing of the sort about something going on for “days prior.” She did say he “was high in a way that made her uncomfortable” and that “it did NOT happen until they got to the Viper Room.”

If you have a source that says otherwise, I would be happy to read it.

6) unlike that random comment you copied and pasted about the call without an original source.

Which has been verified by William Richert. I was not aware that the call had been edited until he spoke about it not being the original call. I found it interesting to have found it in a link that says nothing about Frusciante. Why would it be necessary to edit the call? Why would anything be out there at all? We would have access if we had the access to the original call. We do not. Therefore the possibility exists that the call may have been edited.



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