Jessica Dunne
3 min readJun 28, 2020


Hi Lolo.

Apologies if my tone is not coming across correctly. I am only listing the facts as I have researched them. I feel you may have missed the point.

As I have already done extensive research and I believe I:

-spoke of he and River having a close friendship.

-stated he had quit the Peppers. -Was in the midst of his addiction, -stated he holed up in his apartment.

-stated River had already taken him to rehab twice according to Rivers father.

-stated he was so fuct up he couldn’t even play that night threw up on Gibby and called it a night.

-said most likely to be the messenger.

-Brought forth that someone else with much more conflict in having River, a veeeery talented musician since he grew up doing it as a child, possibly go up on stage that night, who seemed to — -at least via security threw them out into the street to deal with it by themselves.

What I DONT like is, whether or not he meant to do it, he continued to exhibit behavior that shows he knew exactly what had happened.

And instead of anyone coming forward and admitting anything whatsoever that, it was wrapped up tighter than a weed, with a “peace and love” little bow from his family mainly mother on top. With agreements on both sides to erase the truth in favor of public perception.

I showed several facts proving that to be so, including the altering of the infamous 911 call. How much money do you think changed hands between the Phoenix family and the Peppers who share a lawyer, to make that happen?

And oh how very quickly“Heart” announced the case is dropped and no further public examination of the bile found in his stomach. Yesss. I do believe I discussed all of this.

This case left River with a completely smeared name and reputation yet treated like a necessary sacrifice and publicized tra la la. Leaving it open for so many sick rumors for DECADES in this country. And that is NOT how it happened.

Contrary to what you believe, it is not widely known here in the states that Frusciante gave him that cup.

And probably one of the single most, genuine, talented artists of my generation was smeared —-for over 20 years with rumors, false narratives, and lies.

If you’ve done as much medical journals and reading about drug overdose as I have and look at that autopsy? The levels of heroin alone, but let’s throw in one of the biggest lethal amounts of cocaine I’ve ever heard of, breezing past Belushi. Cobain? Was only triple lethal. This was EIGHTx lethal overdose.

Frusciante couldn’t have downed that cup and survived it.

I believe he had a cup, with a good amount for an addict, and someone gave him a cup for his friend River, and he was the perfect person to send over with it.

John did what he did. He knows what he did. But you have misunderstood the main points of who are at fault in this coverup.

The family stayed with the Child of God even when they knew their children were being molested. Know when the line was crossed? When “Heart” understood she would have to go flirty fishing. Not that I think she was being all that loyal to her husband in those days but hey. Maybe she did it a couple times before she decided it wasn’t her.

After all, isn’t it Odd how much River doesn’t at all resemble his father. Not like the rest of his siblings.

They put those kids out on the street to work, they didn’t work.

And when River star started to rise, he supported not only his entire family but whatever hangers on they decided to keep.

Better hush everything up and start putting Joaquin to work. Don’t want to mar that valuable Phoenix family name. And the Peppers? With and without John went off and made superstar $$$. Can’t have that image tarnished by a little mistake eh.

And someone else never had anyone of Rivers caliber with veeerry similar character roles/studies, very into rock n roll, with a different persona of violence esp in the 90s — -to compete with ever again.

Also, River Phoenix? Made DiCaprio look like a damn dictionary.



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